The Liberty Tree is an ecosystem of God-fearing freedom-loving people cultivating liberty in their local community through collaboration, innovation, and most of all God’s grace.
Our purpose is to provide support and resources to people in our community who are left without the tools to provide for themselves and/or their families. We believe that we live in an amazing community and desire to spur economic growth through conversation and collaboration.
By God’s grace we endeavor to bring our crafts together to create a better Alaska and a better Matsu Valley, not just for us but more importantly our children.
Our vision is encompassed in the scripture inscribed on the Liberty Bell:
Proclaim liberty through out all the land and all its people.
– Leviticus 25:10
The original Liberty Tree was an Elm tree near Boston Common. This tree served as a rally point for the growing resistance to the rule of Britain, specifically around the Stamp Act.